Lights, Camera, Action
Who Do You Know?
As the author of PLANTATION HILL, I offer you, the reader, the opportunity to redeem a cash award for introducing my work to a literary agent, or a publisher, or a producer that offers an acceptable contract for PLANTATION HILL and the book becomes a movie. The reward offered is 10% of any initial book advance or contract. The reward goes to the reader, or the agent, or the publisher, or the producer (up to a maximum of $10,000.00), and who gets this novel made into a movie. The reward goes to the person who brings success. The secret to success is exposure, sharing, book reviews on Amazon, or upload your video on Amazon about the book. Talking about PLANTATION HILL will help the story shine in the spotlight. The subject in the novel is worthy of the public’s attention. Possibly saving lives through awareness from the subject matter.
Why am I offering a cash reward?
* Volume: Writing is an inherently solitary endeavor. That said, we are stronger in numbers. Offering readers, a reward to share the story multiplies the effort. Every book in the reader’s hands starts diverse chains of discussion and introduction, one of which will lead to success for all involved.
* Collaboration: Reading is unique among all entertainment vehicles in that it requires effort from the reader: the author and reader collaborate to tell the story. Hearing what readers enjoy is exciting to any author. The collaboration of this reward program offers the reader an incentive. Besides, publishers are much more interested in what readers like than the author.
Suggestions for success:
The reward and mutual goal are to introduce PLANTATION HILL to literary/publishing professionals or movie producers. Share with as many people as you can. What I aim to accomplish with your help:
* Think about who you know in publishing (literary agents, editors, readers, executives, etc.) and pass the book to them.
* Think about who you know and who may know in publishing or movie production.
* Think about who you know that reads and would enjoy family fiction drama.
Send any leads, or opportunities, or introductions via the email link below, or have them contact me. Let’s see where this adventure leads us.
Thank you in advance for your help. Good luck to us both to ink a deal.

Let’s roll the dice. Click Here to learn more about the novel PLANTATION HILL or order on Amazon. I'm excited to see who's the Hero, the Publishing Community, or the Readers.
Let's Talk. Who do you know?