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Crack the Code of Sweet Tea

Updated: Aug 20

In the United States, there are two traditional types of iced tea: Iced Tea and Sweet Tea. The only difference between them is sugar. Residents of the South endorse their traditional sweet iced tea and consume it by the gallons. In this region of the country, iced tea is not only a summer beverage, it is served throughout the year with most meals.

In my southern state of mind, tea is the most romantic beverage ever served. It's healthy, refreshing, and tasty. However, not all teas are created equal, nor are men.

When people order tea at a restaurant in the South, they are likely to receive a glass of sweet iced tea. In states outside of the southern region, they typically serve iced tea unsweetened or "black," and many individuals are unfamiliar with sweet tea.

History of Iced Tea and Sweet Tea: In 1795, South Carolina my home state, became the first place in the United States to grow tea, and it is the only state that has ever commercially produced tea. Many historians believe that the first tea plant arrived in the country in the late 1700s when French explorer and botanist, Andre Michaux (1746-1802), imported it along with other camellias, gardenias, and azaleas to cater to the aesthetic and consumer preferences of wealthy Charleston planters. He planted tea near Charleston at Middleton Barony, which is now known as Middleton Place Gardens.

Camellia sinensis is used to create various products such as cooking ingredients, cosmetics, landscape-garden elements, tea, and tea oil. For thousands of years, tea has been a source of romance and inspiration due to its aromatic, colorful, and flavorful nature.

Gardenia flowers are edible, after straining, you could even use the honey-soaked petals to make a sweet tea concentrate. Just add the honey-soaked petals to a small saucepan, cover with water, and bring to just a boil. Then steep covered for 8-10 minutes, strain, and you have yourself a gardenia sweet tea. What for allergic reactions with this flower.

If you are attempting to grow azaleas and are in search of a fast and effortless method to increase soil acidity, then you have found the appropriate resource. Tea is a typical household item that contains the necessary amount of acid that your azaleas require.

Lavender is my favorite next to green tea and chamomile tea. You can use either fresh or dried lavender blossoms to make lavender tea. Do not worry, this tea is not too strong that it will taste like Grandma's soap. It has just the right amount of lavender to add a subtle floral flavor at the end of each sip. Lavendar oil is also great for burns. I keep a small bottle of lavender oil near my stove. Just in case. It’s saved my fingers many times.

In the 1800s, tea was served cold according to English and American cookbooks. Cold green tea punches are my favorite. The oldest recipes were made using green tea and called punches. The tea punches were known as Regent's Punch, named after George IV, the English prince regent between 1811 and 1820 and King from 1820 to 1830.


3 cups of boiling water

1 family-size tea bag or 3 regular-size tea bags

1/2 to 3/4 cup of granulated sugar or to taste - 5 cups of cold water

Ice cubes


1. Pour boiling water over the tea bags and let steep for 5 minutes. Remove the tea bags.

2. In a large pitcher, add sugar and pour warm tea over the sugar, stirring until the sugar is melted.

3. Add 5 cups of cold water and stir until well-mixed.

4. Cool and serve in tall glasses over ice.

5. Yields 1/2 gallon.

Secrets to Making Clear Tea: When tea steeps, tannins are released into the boiling water which gives the tea its color. The heat helps dissolve them, making the brew clear enough to see through. Refrigeration can cause tannins to separate out again, making the tea murky. Generally, higher-quality tea contains more tannins which make it more likely to become cloudy. Hard water and the minerals in your water can also make your tea cloudy. To avoid cloudiness, use bottled or filtered water and let the tea stand at room temperature for an hour after steeping. Use room temperature water and add ice cubes to your drinking glass before pouring the tea. Let the tea cool to room temperature before refrigerating to avoid tannins settling and causing cloudiness. If the tea turns murky in the fridge, add a cup of boiling water to one quart of tea to clear up the cloudiness, but it will dilute the tea so add less ice.

So, a perfect added bonus with your sweet ice tea is listening to audiobooks or enjoying a novel while relaxing.

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